We offer our patients a comprehensive range of diagnostic and therapeutic services in the field of ear, nose and throat medicine.
Many years of experience and many years of working in clinics have been incorporated into our range of services and we are delighted to be able to bring this to the outpatient sector.
If the ear suddenly stops working, there are many possible causes.
Ear microscopy alone can often determine whether the cause is an accumulation of earwax (cerumen) or an inflammation.
If sudden hearing loss is suspected, a supplementary tone audiogram (hearing test) is informative. If hearing ability is slowly deteriorating, a hearing aid should be prescribed after a detailed diagnosis if necessary and monitored over time.
We are also happy to assist you with our diagnostic and therapeutic options for tinnitus and dizziness.
We are your point of contact when it comes to complaints with the ear or ears. Simply call our practice to make an appointment.
We take you and your concerns seriously and are appreciative in our dealings with each other
We follow up every request with due professionalism, no matter from which area
We take you and your concerns seriously and are appreciative in our dealings with each other
Everything from one source
You have only one contact person: we accompany you from the beginning to the end of your request